Tuesday, July 23, 2024



Moyz te di konsa: Chonje sèvitè ou yo, Abraham, Izaak ak Izrayèl, jan ou te fè sèman pou tèt pa ou, epi ou te di yo konsa:

"M'ap fè pitit pitit nou yo anpil anpil tankou zetwal ki nan syèl la, epi m'ap bay pitit pitit nou yo tout peyi sa a mwen te pale a pou yo pran l' pou tout tan."

Epi Letènèl te renonse pinisyon ki te planifye pou Moun pèp Izrayèl la (Egzòd 32:13-14).

Non, pèp juif la pa ka elimine nèt; akoz alyans etènèl Bondye te fè ak Avot yo. Gen lòt ki ka sijere:

Ki jan nou ka pwouve sa se vre? Èske nou pa li ke Bondye te vle detwi pèp Izrayèl la apre yo te fè ti towo bèf annò a e se Moyiz ki te  l chanje lide nan Egzòd 32:13-14?

Sa a sanble plis tankou yon tès pou Moyiz, si nou menm nap li klèman nan ekriti yo ke Bondye te di ke pèp Izrayèl la pa ka elimine, ke pou detwi pèp Izrayèl la tout kreyasyon an tap dwe detwi nèt tou, enkli tout bagay ki nan syèl la ak tè a. Moyiz te trè entelijan nan fason li te fè apèl a kontra ki p'ap janm fini an ak Bondye,

Ki jan nou fè konnen ke Kontra a oswa Alyans la etènèl?

Gen plizyè prèv solid, tankou vèsè sa yo ki di:

"Men, menm lè yo nan peyi lènmi yo, mwen p'ap rejte yo jiska detwi yo, konsa anile alyans mwen te avè yo, paske mwen se Seyè a, Bondye yo a. Men, m'ap sonje alyans lan ak zansèt yo. moun mwen te fè soti nan peyi Lejip la devan je nasyon yo, mwen se Bondye ki p'ap janm fini an (Levitik 26:44-45).

Sepandan, pou kounye a, ann wè kisa Moshe Rabbeinu te itilize, premye bagay Moshe te itilize fè konnen saj Irakyen Ben Ish Jai,

Se te ke Bondye te fè sèman pou tèt li. Lè l sèvi avèk agiman sa a, Moshe t ap fèmen bouch zanj ki t ap akize a ak tout lòt vwa ki akize jwif yo jouk jounen jòdi a de tout mal, sa se te prèv yon Garanti ki pwouve ke alyans sa a Bondye pa ka chanje, paske li se sou Bondye kont. Bondye li menm, kèlkeswa konpòtman Juif la, Bondye te sele alyans sa a ak yon sèman poukont li.

Dezyèm agiman Moshe a se ke Bondye te di ke li ta ogmante jwif yo pou yo ta vin anpil tankou zetwal nan syèl la ak sab lanmè a. Epi se pa sa sèlman, men li te di tou ke yo pral klere tankou zetwal yo pou jistis yo, tankou nan vèsè a ki di: Epi moun ki gen bon konprann yo pral klere tankou klere nan syèl la, ak moun ki anseye jistis pou anpil moun. pral klere tankou zetwal yo pou tout tan an (Danyèl 12:3; Vayikra Rabbah 30:2).

E yon lòt bò, Bondye gen pou l akonpli sa li te di pwofèt yo:

"M'ap pran nou nan mitan nasyon yo, m'ap rasanble nou nan tout peyi, m'ap fè nou tounen nan peyi nou an. M'ap voye dlo pwòp sou nou, m'ap pirifye nou, m'ap pirifye nou anba tout malpwòpte nou yo. Nan tout zidòl nou yo, m'a ba nou yon kè nouvo, m'a mete yon lespri tou nèf nan kò nou, m'a ba nou yon kè ki nan kò nou ou, pou m fè w mache nan dekrè legal mwen yo epi akonpli kòmandman jistis mwen yo fidèlman (Ezekiel 36:24-27).

Epi paske Moyiz te deja resevwa pawòl sa yo anvan nan men pwofèt ki t apral vini apre li yo. Ebyen, se la li te mande Bondye pou l pirifye pèp Izrayèl la e pou l miltipliye yo jan li te pwomèt la. Tankou pawòl ki di:

"Se pou Seyè a, Bondye zansèt nou yo, fè nou miltipliye mil fwa plis, epi li beni nou dapre pwomès li a. (Detewonòm 1:11)."

Twazyèm agiman Moshe a se ke Bondye dwe padonnen pèp Izrayèl la, paske jwif yo se pitit Bondye, Jan sa ekri: Ou se pitit Seyè a, Bondye nou an (Det 14:1). Yo konprann ke Bondye, kòm Wa tout wa yo, dekrè li yo ak santans lanmò li yo pa ka padone, men wa pa aji kòm wa ak pwòp pitit yo; men kòm paran.

Bondye li menm, Anseyan pèp jwif la, te renonse a onè ki pou li kòm wa e li te pran pwoblèm pou dirije pèp la nan dezè a.

Ki jan ka sa yo ka konpare ak pwoblèm aktyèl la?

Oke, nan ka sa a, Bondye Sen an, se pou li beni, se pwopriyetè mond lan ak Tora a; e se poutèt sa, akoz lanmou pou pitit li yo, li kapab abandone onè li pou l sove pitit li yo (Kidouchin 32a:16).

Pwomès Bondye te fè wa David la valab pou tout pèp Izrayèl la:

"Mwen pral yon papa pou li, e li pral yon pitit gason pou mwen. Si li fè sa ki mal, m'ap pini l 'ak baton lèzòm ak soufrans moun yo, men mwen p'ap retire favè m nan. li, menm jan mwen te retire l 'nan Sayil, ke mwen te retire pou mete ou nan plas li (2 Samyèl 7:14-15).

Yon lòt prèv ki montre Juif yo se pitit Bondye se lè Bondye te di Abraram ke li ta pral bay tè a bay desandan Abraram nan lavni. Pèp Izrayèl la poko egziste, e dapre lalwa Tora a, yon kado pou yon ti bebe nan lavni nan matris la, oswa yon kado ki poko vin ansent, anile, sof si moun ki bay la. li eseye bay pwòp pitit li yo (Bava Batra 142a).

Piske Tè a se pou pitit Izrayèl yo, yo dwe pitit Bondye ki se vre pwopriyetè a. Bondye ba yo l tankou yon papa ap bay pitit li yo. Apre li fin prezante agiman sa yo, Bondye te demontre yon chanjman nan kè l. - Aderet Eliahu

17 Tammouz se yon jou jèn ki komemore tonbe Jerizalèm

Pa Rav Shraga Simmons

17 Mwa Tammouz se yon jou jèn ki komemore tonbe Jerizalèm, anvan destriksyon Tanp Sen an. Sa tap vin make tou kòmansman yon peryòd twa semèn dèy nasyonal, ki fini nan jou 9 Mwa Av, ki rele Tisha B'Av.

17 yèm jounen nan Mwa Tammouz la se premye nan kat jou jèn yo ki mansyone nan liv pwofèt yo ki nan Bib la. Objektif jounen jèn sa a, se pou reveye santiman pèt nou pou Tanp ki te detwi a, ak vwayaj jwif ki te vini depwi Moun yo te pati ann egzil la.

Antre tèt nou sou evènman trajik sa yo gen entansyon pou ede nou konkeri defisyans espirityèl ki te lakòz bagay sa yo. Atravè pwosesis "Teshuvah"—entwospeksyon ak angajman pou chanje—nou gen pouvwa pou transfòme trajedi an lajwa. An reyalite, Talmud la ap di ke apre redanmsyon pèp Izrayèl la nan lavni ak rekonstriksyon Tanp lan, jounen jèn sa yo pral dedye ankò kòm jou nan rejwisans ak fèstivite. Paske, jan pwofèt Zakari te di: 17 yèm Tamouz la pral tounen yon jou nan "rejwa pou kay Yehudah a, ak kè kontan ak resepsyon lajwa."

Kisa ki te pase Nan jou sa a?

  • Senk gwo katastwòf ki te fèt nan istwa jwif yo sou 17th nan Tammouz.
  • Moche te kase tablèt yo sou mòn Sinayi an repons a peche ti bèf an lò a.
  • Yo te sispann ofrann chak jou a nan Premye Tanp lan, pandan syèj Jerizalèm nan, apre Kohanim yo pa t kapab jwenn bèt ankò.
  • Mi Jerizalèm yo te kraze, anvan destriksyon Dezyèm Tanp lan nan ane 70 epòk nou an.
  • Anvan Gran Revòlt la, jeneral Romen an ki te rele Apostamòs te boule yon woulo Tora, sa ki te kreye yon presedan pou boule liv jwif yo pandan plizyè syèk.
  • Yo te mete yon imaj idolatri nan Tanp Sen an, yon zak blasfèm ak profanasyon.

(Orijinèlman, jèn yo te obsève sou nevyèm Tammouz la, paske se te jou Jerizalèm te tonbe anvan destriksyon Premye Tanp lan nan ane 583 anvan epòk nou an. Sepandan, apre tonbe Jerizalèm nan 17 Tammouz la - anvan destriksyon nan Dezyèm Tanp lan—mesye saj yo te deside sou yon obsèvasyon konbine de trajedi yo, ki te fikse pou 17yèm Tammouz la).

Ki jan nou obsève 17 Tammouz la?

  • Lwa ak koutim nan
  • Nou pap manje e nou pap bwè soti nan douvanjou jiska solèy kouche.
  • Fanm ansent yo ak tout fanm k ap bay tete — ak lòt moun malad yo — yo pap fè jèn yo.
  • Si jou a tonbe sou Saba a, yo ranvwaye jèn nan jiska Dimanch.
  • Benyen, wen ak mete soulye kwi yo pèmèt.
  • Fraz "Aneinou" an dwe ajoute nan Lapriyè Amidah nan Shacharit ak nan  Minkha. Endividyèlman li ajoute sèlman nan Minkha.
  • Nap resite Selikhot ak Avinou Malkeinou.
  • Nan lapriyè maten ak apremidi, nap li Egzòd 32:11, kote yo mansyone "Trèz Atribi Mizèrikòd yo".
  • Pou Haftarah nan lapriyè Minkha a nap li Ezayi 55:6 - 56:8, kote yo diskite sou renouvèlman sèvis tanp lan.

Monday, July 22, 2024



Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, how you swore to them by your own self, and said to them:

"I will multiply their descendants as the stars of heaven, and I will give to their descendants all this land of which I have spoken, to possess it forever."

And the Eternal renounced the punishment planned for the people of Israel (Exodus 32:13-14).

No, the Jewish People cannot be completely eliminated; because of the eternal covenant God made with the Avot. Others might suggest:

How can we prove this to be true? Didn't we read that God wanted to destroy Israel after they made the golden calf and that Moses was the one who made God change his mind in Exodus 32:13-14?

This seems more like a test for Moshe, given the fact that, we read clearly in the scriptures that God says that Israel cannot be eliminated, that to destroy Israel, the whole creation would have to be destroyed instead, including everything in the heavens and the earth. If that was the case, Moshe was very clever in the way he appealed to the Eternal Contract with God,

How do we know that the Contract or Covenant is Eternal?

There are several compelling proofs, such as these verses that say:

"But even when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them to the point of destroying them, thus annulling My covenant with them, for I am the Eternal, their God. But I will remember the covenant with their fathers, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, to be their God. I am the Eternal (Leviticus 26:44-45).

However, for now let's see what Moshe Rabeinu used, the first thing that Moshe used, points out the Iraqi Sage, Ben Ish Jai,

It's the fact that God swore by Himself. By using that argument Moshe was closing the mouth of the accusing angel and all the other voices that accuse the Jews until today of all evils, that was proof of a Guarantee that proves that God cannot Change that Covenant, because it is about God against God himself, no matter the behavior of the Jew God sealed that Covenant with Oath by Himself.

Moshe's second argument is that God had said that He would increase the Jews so that they would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sands of the sea. And not only that, but He also said that they will shine like the stars for their righteousness, as in the verse that says: And those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever (Daniel 12:3; Vayikra Rabá 30:2)

And on the other hand, God has to fulfill what He said to the prophets:

"I will take you from among the nations, gather you from all the countries and bring you back to your own land. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be cleansed; I will cleanse you from all your filth and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove the heart of stone from your body and give you a heart of flesh; and I will put my Spirit within you. So I will make you walk in my legal decrees and keep my precepts of justice faithfully (Ezekiel 12:3) 36:24-27).

And because Moshe had already received these words before the future prophets who would come after him. For there he asked God to purify Israel and multiply them as He promised. Like the word that says:

"May the Eternal, the God of your fathers, multiply you a thousand times more, and bless you according to His promise. (Deuteronomy 1:11)."

Moshe's third argument is that God has to forgive Israel, because the Jews are children of God, as it is written: You are children of the Eternal your God (Deut 14:1). It is understood that God being the King of kings, His decrees and death sentences are unforgivable, but kings do not act as kings with their own children; but as parents.

God Himself, the Teacher of the Jewish people, had renounced the honor that corresponds to Him as King and had taken the trouble to lead the people through the desert.

How can these cases be compared with the present matter?

Well, in this case the Holy God, Blessed be He, is the owner of the world and the Torah; and therefore, for the sake of His children He can give up His honor to save His children (Kiddushin 32a:16).

The promise that God made to King David is valid for all Israel:

"I will be a father to him, and he shall be a son to me. If he does evil, I will punish him with the rod of men and with the affliction of the sons of men; but I will not take my favor from him, as I took him from Saul, whom I removed to put you in his place (2 Samuel 7:14-15).

Another proof that the Jews are children of God is when God told Abraham that he was going to give the land to Abraham's future descendants. Israel did not yet exist, and according to Torah law, a gift to a future baby in the womb, or one that has not yet been conceived is void, unless the giver He tries to give them to his own children (Bava Batra 142a).

Since the Land belongs to the children of Israel, they must be children of God who is the true owner. God gives them to them as a father gives them to his children. After presenting these arguments God demonstrated a change of heart. - Aderet Eliahu

Monday, June 24, 2024


First Part 1

1 Creation of Heaven and Earth, and Adam and Eve

[-3760 Gregorian Cal / Year 1 in the Jewish Calendar] Up to the Mabul [ -2105 Gregorian / 1656 Jewish Cal].

The Time of our Forefathers begins with the Birth of Eber a descendant of Shem [-2038 Gregorian / 1723 Jewish Cal ].

Abraham Avinu ; Birth of Abraham ben Terach [ -1813 Gregorian / 1948 Jewish Cal ] Ten years after Sarah Imenu was born in the year [ -1803 Gregorian / 1958 Jewish Cal ] She was one of the daughters of Haran). She marries Abraham 20 years after

In the year [ -1761 Gregorian / 2000 Jewish Cal ] Abraham migrated out of Ur Kasdim with his family with his father Terach; Noach past away 6 years after in 2006. 

In 2018 (1743) God made The covenant (Brit Bein Ha’Betarim) with Abraham Avinu. After 5 years living in the land of Israel, our troubles were born; as Abraham Avinu had a son with Hagar, the daughter of Pharaoh, she was the Maid of Sarah his wife. So in 2034 ( -1727) Ishmael (son of Abraham) was born, he would become the father of the Muslims.

Isaac (Yitzchak Avinu) - in 2048 (1713) God made an Eternal Covenant with Abraham Avinu, with the Brit Mila and reiterated the Promise of the Holy Land; Abraham along with Ishmael were circumcised and our second Forefather Isaac Avinu was born in the year 100 in the life of Abraham his father, a total miracle his mother Sarah was 90 years old. 

In that same year Sodom and Gomorrah along with 3 other cities were destroyed by fire from above, probably a Meteorite or a Comet; which turned the whole area into a Sea of salt (The Dead Sea).

Sarah Imenu Past away in 2084 ( -1677), on the day of the Akedah, 40 years after the birth of Isaac her son; which was brought on the altar by Abraham his father on that date.

Jacob Avinu - The third and greatest of the Forefathers was born in 2108 (-1653) together with his twin brother Esav. 15 years after his birth Abraham Avinu past away, and Shem the father of the Semites past away 50 years after the birth of Jacob.

Jacob managed to steal the blessing from his twin brother in 2171 (-1590); which set him off on the journey to become the father of the Jewish nation. His twin brother vowed to kill him, and so the second branch of Antisemitism was born, the first branch of antisemitism comes from Ishmael and his descendants (the Muslims); the second branch are believed to be the Western nations; which are the descendants of the twin brother of Jacob.

To avoid being killed by his brother, Jacob ran away to Haran in 2185 (-1576), while in Haran, Eber past away in 2187 (-1574); Eber was great-grandson of Shem.

Jacob married his twin cousins in 2192 (-1569); he wanted to marry Rachel, the youngest of the two siblings, but his uncle Laban forced him to marry Leah the first born also. He thought that he would be leaving Haran with one wife, but ended up with 4 wives, because both the maids of Rachel and Leah married him too. And these four women are the mothers of the 12 children that created to 12 Tribes of the Jewish nation.


Numbers 13:1–15:41

The name of the Weekly Torah reading portion is called Parashat "Shelach,", the word Shelach means "Send" and that biblical portion is found in Numbers 13:2. This event occurred in 2449 (-1312), it is the same year that Moshe came down Mount Sinai with the second set of Tablets and the portable temple called Mishkan was built. All these happened one year after crossing the Red Sea, which occurred in 2448

Moses sends twelve spies to the land of Canaan. Forty days later they return, carrying a huge cluster of grapes, a pomegranate and a fig, to report on a lush and bountiful land. But ten out of the 12 spies returned from Canaan with bad news, they warn that the inhabitants of the land were giants and warriors “more powerful than Jews; only Caleb and Joshua insist that the land can be conquered, as God has commanded.

On 10th of the month of Av in the year 2449, the people wept bitterly, and wanted to return to Egypt. Which cause God to be very angry, and He decrees that Israel’s entry into the land was to be delayed forty years, during which time that entire generation will die out in the desert. Because of that rebellious act, the Jewish people has had to endure tremendous suffering on that date all throughout Jewish History.

A group of remorseful Jews storm the mountain on the border of the land, and are routed by the Amalekites and Canaanites.

On this portion we also find, the laws of the Nesachim; these are the laws about Meal, wine and oil offerings, we also find the Mitzvah to consecrate a portion of the dough (Challah) to God when making bread. And this where we discover for the first time time that the penalty for desecrating Shabbat is death. A man violates the Shabbat by gathering sticks, and is put to death. God instructs to place fringes (Tzitzit) on the four corners of our garments, so that we should remember to fulfill the Mitzvot (divine commandments).

Prepared by:   Enerio Yochanan BENORINU

Monday, June 10, 2024

Gato Tres Leches Pou Shavuot

Gato tradisyonèl Kiben sa a ap mete tout tradisyon letye a nan bouch ou.


Kuizin Kiben an ka fè grandizè kèk asyèt ki gen anpil gou ak delisye , men m pral premye moun kap admèt ke lè moman rive pou nou pale kesyon desè nou yo, lis la kout ak dous. Asire w, nou gen vèsyon nou an nan flan, epi nap toujou ale-ak gwayav ak patisri fwomaj yo, men manje Kiben yo gen tandans reyèlman konsantre sou frape yo lou, tankou asyèt prensipal yo. Sa se, nan kou, jiskaske moun yo ap pote bannou yon gato tres leches nan fèt la, se la bagay la tap gate.

Menm jan ak pifò kilti yo gen vèsyon yo nan yon boulèt (alo, map pale boul Matzah yo), pifò peyi Latin yo gen vèsyon yo nan tres leches. Tres leches, ki literalman tradwi "twa lèt," 

Nap prezante l konsa; se yon gato leje, eponj, ki pral tranpe nan yon melanj de twa fòm egalman dekadans de lèt: 

  • Nap jwenn ladan l lèt evapore, 
  • Lèt kondanse sikre ak 
  • Lèt ​​antye. 

Nap mete sou li, yon krèm krèm fwete fre ak leje ak kouwone ak yon moso fwi ki gen koulè klere vif.

Kòm nan tradisyon jwif yo, nimewo yo ap jwe yon wòl espesyal lè nap fè gato sa a. Wi, gen twa lèt enkli, men li pi bon tou pou konsidere kraze gato sa a an twa seksyon: gato a, lèt yo ak glas la. Avèk tout pwoduit letye ki enkli, sa a ka yon opsyon genyen pou ranplase yon gato fwomaj klasik nan pwochen rasanbleman Shavuot ou a. Desè Kiben dekadans sa a pafè pou Shavuot.

Gato letye Shavuot sa a, Gato tres leches pou Cuisine jwif la ak desè yo se kredi Madanm Jennifer Stempel

Tan total: 50 minit Sede: Sèvi 8-10

Men Engredyan Resèt La

Inite Etazinyen

Pou gato sa a nap bezwen:

2 tas farin a gato
½ ti kiyè sèl
2 ti kiyè poud boulanjri
6 ze, separe
2 ti kiyè ekstrè vaniy
1 ¼ tas sik
¼ tas lèt

Men Engredyan Pou lèt Yo:

1 12oz ka lèt evapore
1 14oz ka lèt kondanse sikre
1 tas lèt antye
½ ti kiyè kannèl tè

Men Engredyan Pou Glasaj La:

2 tas gwo krèm fwete
4 ti kiyè sik an poud
½ ti kiyè ekstrè vaniy

Mòd Kwison ap Anpeche ekran ou fè nwa

Men Enstriksyon Yo

Nap Kòmanse pa ak preparasyon gato a. Nap Chofe fou a 350 ° F.
Nap tamize ansanm farin gato a, sèl ak poud boulanjri nan yon gwo bòl.

Nan yon bòl separe, fwete jon ze a, vaniy la, sik ak lèt ​​jiskaske li vin tounen yon mous ak byen konbine. Nap ajoute nan melanj farin lan nan twa lo, nap melanje l byen apre nou fin ajoute chak ti lo yo.

Nap vide blan ze a nan yon bòl mixer kanpe, epi nap bat li jiskaske pik rèd vin fòme (ou ka itilize yon mixer a men pou etap sa a, men mwen te jwenn li pi fasil lè nap itilize yon mixer a kanpe).

Nap pliye blan ze a dousman  nan farin lan jiskaske li konbine jis.

Nap vide farin nan moul an metal grese ki yon chodyè  9 × 13 pous , epi nap kite l kwit pou 18-20 minit, oswa jiskaske lò mawon. Si w ap itilize yon marmite an vè, kwit pou kèk minit ankò.

Kite l refwadi nan chodyè a nèt, epi fè twou nan gato a lè l sèvi avèk yon fouchèt oswa yon brochet an bwa. Mwen rekòmande pou pike tout sifas gato a ak pike sou 1 pous apa. Plis pokes, plis opòtinite pou lèt yo tranpe nan, fè li yon gato super imid.

Apre sa, prepare lèt yo. Nan yon krich, konbine lèt la evapore, lèt kondanse sikre, lèt antye ak kannèl ansanm. Melanje ak yon fwet pou asire yon konsistans menm.

Vide tout men ¼ tas sou tout gato a, asire w ke w mouye chak pati nan gato a. Rezève ¼ tas la pou sèvi.

Kounyè a nap fè glasaj la: Nan bòl mixer kanpe ekipe ak fwe atache a, nap fwete l ansanm ak krèm fwete, sik an poud ak vaniy, jiskaske ou jwenn yon krèm fwete ki gen konsistans, epi gaye l egal sou gato a. Nap kouvri l ak fwi fre kolore. 

Nap refrijere l jiskaske pare pou sèvi.

Lide pou sèvi gato a,  mete yon ti kras nan lèt rezève a sou asyèt la, epi ajoute yon ti tranch gato nan ti mas dlo lèt la.


Èske nou te Gen Moun Jwif Ki Nwa? - Jidayis pratike pa kominote ki gen moun nenpòt orijin, ki gen ladan moun ki gen desandan Afriken, tou de nan Lafrik ak nan dyaspora afriken an, ki gen ladan Amerik di Nò, Ewòp, Izrayèl, ak lòt kote. 

Egzanp enpòtan nan kominote jwif nwa yo enkli jwif peyi Letiopi ak jwif Afriken-Ameriken ki konvèti oswa moun ki fèt nan yon manman jwif. Men nap jwenn tou apil Jwif kashe nan desandan Koushyen yo, timoun Koush yo.

Sepandan, nou dwe sonje ke Jwif ki ka konsidere kòm Nwa yo te egziste pou pliziè milenè, ak Ziporah (Tzipora) madanm Moiz la, limenm te konsidere kòm youn nan premye jwif nwa yo ki te mansyone nan istwa jwif moun yo.

Nou jwenn sa a mansyone nan Bib la, nan liv Nonb 12:1; li rakonte istwa Miryam ak Arawon ki t ap kalomnye Moyiz paske li te marye ak yon fanm Koushyèn: “Le sa a se kont Tzipora Miryam ak Arawon tap pale, Se li ki te madanm Moyiz la; paske li te yon fanm Koushyen, epi ankò Bib la mansyone Moyiz te marye ak yon fanm Koushyèn". 

Ki moun ki te Koush? Dapre Tora a, Koush se te youn nan pitit gason Kam (Ham) yo (Jen. 2:13; 10:6–8; Ezek. 38:5; I Kwon. 1:8–10); Selon tradisyon biblik la tout moun nwa afriken yo, se desandan pitit Koush yo ye.

Jidayis lan te prezan nan Afrik sub-Saharyèn pandan kèk syèk. Kòmanse nan kenzyèm syèk la, Juif ki t ap kouri kite Espay ak Pòtigal nan pèsekisyon an, moun sa yo te fonde ti kominote melanje sou kòt Afrik Lwès la. Te gen tou yon kominote Jwif Nwa ki te ka idantifye pwobableman dorijin Panyòl;

Nou tap jwenn moun sa yo nan Wayòm Lwès Afriken Loango a,  jouk nan fen diznevyèm syèk la. Anplis, nan tout kontinan Afrik la, nou tap jwenn kominote jwif; men moun yo pat konnen se jwif yo te ye; yo te gen koutim ak tradisyon jwif; men se moun kolonizatè blan yo  ki tap dokimante nèg yo kòm Jwif, nan entèraksyon ant kolonyalis yo, ak Krisyanis yo ak lot sosyete Afriken yo se nan moman sa nèg yo tap vin konprann indantite yo.

Koneksyon ant kolonyalis ak devlopman idantite jwif nan Lafrik di sid te rive premyèman nan etid relijye Sid Afriken David Chidester an 1996. 

An 2002, Tudor Parfitt, yon istoryen Britanik, te diskite ke pwodiksyon an nan kominote Jiday yo te fè pati konplèks la. senbyotik ant sosyete Afriken yo, kolonyalis ak Krisyanis ak anplis, li te yon pwodwi nan kolonyalis lwès atravè mond lan, soti nan Nouvel Zeland rive nan Amerik yo. Li te pwodwi anpil egzanp manifestasyon Jidaik ki te egziste nan tout Afrik Sub-Saharyèn nan; tou de pandan ak apre peryòd kolonyal la. 

Men gen Nèg Ebre Nwa yo, yon gwoup relijye ki gen manm kap reklame desandans li nan branch fanmi Izrayèl la, men reklamasyon sa a te rejte pa kominote jwif entènasyonal la. Nou pap rekonèt gwoup sa yo kòm jwif, paske yo pa gen okèn resamblans ak Joudayis, se yon gwoup san zistwa, san koutim ak san tradisyon

Yo pa gen anyen kap indantifye yo. Dapre ekriven ak aktivis Jwif Nwa Otodòks Shais Rishon, mouvman Nwa Ebre Izrayelit la pa fè pati "kominote Jwif Nwa Nòmatif la" ki pratike Jidayis Rabbinik la. Moun sa yo ap pratike yon relijyon ki idantifiab kom krisyanis.


Resèt fwomaj sa a, se yon gato ki pi lejè pase tout lot gato fwomaj klasik yo, nou ka gaye konfiti sou li oswa tout senpleman soupoudre sik an poud sou li. Se yon gato bon gou pou akonpaye ak tew.

Men Engredyan yo:

4 gwo ze
1 mamit lèt kondanse Kasher
1/2 tas farin Frans tout izaj
1/2 tas lèt antye
1 ti kiyè zès sitwon
450 g fwomaj cottage (pwa fwomaj byen vide san dlo)

Men Preparasyon an:

Melanje ze yo ak lèt ​​la ak lèt ​​kondanse kashè a.
Mete fwomaj la nan yon veso epi ajoute farin lan, piti piti altène melanj lan lèt ak ze, jiskaske tout engredyan yo vin byen entegre.
Yon fwa ou fè melanj anvan an, Lè sa a wap ajoute zès sitwon an. Melanje bagay yo byen.

Chofe fou a a 350 degre F

Grese ak bè epi voye yon mwazi wonn ak yon ti farin. Vide melanj lan nan chodyè boulanjri a.

Yon fwa fou a cho, mete mwazi an nan fou a epi kite l kwit pou 45 minit. Yon fwa tan an pase, mete yon ti kirdan an bwa epi tcheke li byen, si li kwit, otreman mete l nan fou a pou yon lòt 10 a 15 minit. Kite l repoze nan fou a san di fe jiskaske li frèt, koupe l epi vide sik an poud sou li.

#Resèt: Cuisine Jwif Entènasyonal

Ki sa ki Shavuot?

Chavuot, (שבועות) se Fèt ki komemore moman yo te bannou Tora a, nap selebre l sou 6yèm jou mwa Sivan nan kalandriye ebre a (Anjeneral lap tonbe nan mwa me ak jen nan kalandriye eksklizyon an)

Non "Shavuot" la vle di "Semèn yo" epi li se akimilasyon 7 semèn yo lè nou tap fini  "konte Omer la" . Se egzakteman 7 semèn soti Fèt Pesakh rive Chavouot.

Se yon festival fondamantalman agrikòl, yo rele l tou Festival Rekòlt la ak Festival Premye Fwi yo (Bikourim), se poutèt sa pami senbòl ki reprezante li genyen 7 espès yo nou jwen nan tè sent la: 

Ble, lòj, rezen, fig frans, grenad, oliv. ak dat.

Sou Chavouòt, se nòmal pou nou manje manje letye pami lòt rezon, paske lè nou te resevwa Tora a ki enkli lwa kashrut la, pèp jwif la pa t 'kapab kwit vyann nan po yo, paske yo pa t' ankò kosherize po yo.

Gen kèk manje letye ke nap manje tradisyonèlman sou Shavuot, se Blintzes, Burekas, Cheesecake, Quiches, Cheese Kreplaj, Sambusak, Atayef, Fartaleyos ak Pen nan sèt syèl la ki reprezante mòn Sinayi.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023



Ki moun ki te Jida oswa Yehuda? Jida ki rele Yehuda na lang ebre se te katriyèm pitit gason Jakòb li te ye, pitit gason Izaak la, pitit gason Abraham nan, chèf Letènèl sou Latè a (Jenèz 23:6), Yehuda se pitit Jakòb, tout pèp Izrayèl la jodi a, jwif yo, yo konnen, pawòl Jide a se te teritwa li nou te konnen an ak abitan li yo se jwif yo nou konnen an; epi youn nan desandan Yehouda yo pral Mesi a ( Jenèz 29:35 ; 49:8–12 ).

Yehudah se yon tribi ki desandan Jida, ki gen teritwa tribi ki rele Jida (Yehudah) te vin tounen nwayo wayòm David la epi, apre wayòm nan te divize an Izrayèl ak Jida, wayòm sid Jida a, ak Jerizalèm kòm sant li.

Poukisa Yehuda ak pitit gason l yo te rete jwif jouk jounen jodi a?

Ki merit Yehuda te genyen?

Ki rekonpans Yehudah pral resevwa nan men Letènèl paske li te kenbe flanbo Tora a vivan ak tout ansèyman sakre Etènèl la?

Nan Haftarah Shabbat ki tonbe sou Hanukkah (Zak 2:14-4:7) nou jwenn yon lide sou rekonpans Yehudah ak jwif yo.

Nan haftarah sa a ki li sou Shabbat Hanukkah nou jwenn yon vizyon sou Menorah an lò nan tanp lan nan lavil Jerizalèm. Fòme yon pati nan yon pwofesi ki te kominike pa pwofèt Zakari a yon ti tan anvan konstriksyon Dezyèm Tanp lan.

Haftarah sa a kòmanse ak yon deskripsyon byen klè sou lajwa ki pral genyen ann Izrayèl lè Bondye etènèl la finalman retounen vin etabli Jerizalèm, li di nou konsa:

"Chante, fè kè nou kontan, pitit fi Siyon an, paske mwen pral vin rete nan mitan nou, mwen menm Seyè a di."

Jou sa a, anpil nasyon pral atache ak BONDYE epi yo pral tounen pèp Bondye a, e Bondye pral rete nan mitan nou. Lè sa a, n'a konnen se Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a ki te voye m' ba ou.

וְנָחַ֨ל יְהֹוָ֤ה אֶת־יְהוּדָה֙ חֶלְק֔וֹ עַ֖ל אַדְמַ֣ת ־יְהוּדָה֙ חֶלְק֔וֹ עַ֖ל אַדְמַ֣ת ־ימַ֣ת ְמַ֣ת יששבַ֣ת ַ֨ל ָחַ֥ר ע֖וֹד בִּירוּשָׁלָֽ͏ִם׃

BONDYE pral reklame Jida kòm yon pòsyon espesyal nan Tè Sent la—epi l ap chwazi Jerizalèm ankò.

הַ֥ס כׇּל־בָּשָׂ֖ר מִפְּנֵ֣י יְהֹוָ֑ה כִּ֥י נֵע֖וֹר מִפְּנֵמ֣י ֽׁוֹ׃ {פ}

Fè silans, tout moun, devan BONDYE!
Paske [Bondye] leve soti nan kay ki apa pou Bondye a.

Friday, December 1, 2023


Read below to learn about his conversion story to Judaism as he shares his own story to the Israelis media.

You will discover the amazing story of a wonderful Gaza man who all he wanted was to live. He wanted to live a normal life of a human being with dignity and respect for the life of others; and so he grew up to find out the only way realize his simple dream was to leave Gaza all together for good. And so he planned escaping to Israel and converted to Judaism and found life, love and an adoptive family.

Dor Shachar, said in an interview with the Israeli Media:   

"In Gaza, there are no such a thing as a citizen who opposes Hamas. To prevent this from happening, If necessary, the Terrorist and indoctrinators will murder any one and that include Jews, Christians, and even their own Muslim brothers,"  

I was born in Khan Yunis, in the Gaza Strip, birth name was Ayman Abu Suboh, this my story of how I escaped to Israel, converted to Judaism, got married as a Jew to a Jewish woman and now we live in the city of Rishon LeZion in Israel.

Shachar continues: 

"In Gaza, the people are affiliated with organizations such as Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine [PFLP], and many others. All these organizations are criminals who support the killing of Jews. Some of these organizations have infiltrated the Gaza Strip. What everyone needs to know is that this is a religious war; the ideal goal of these people is to take over the entire world."

When Shachar was a child growing up in Gaza he was taught in their brainwashing doctrines that Jews were all murderers, land grabbers who stole his ancestors' homeland and that he needed to fight them to the very last drop of blood. 

He went on saying: 

"I remember an incident about some Israeli soldiers who had joined us for a soccer game in the neighborhood. I was maybe around 6 years old," 

Shachar recalled. 

"After the game, one of the soldiers called me, and he placed something in my hand, and closed it for me.

"After a few seconds, I opened my hand and I found a candy. I quickly opened it and it was so tasty. I took the candy wrapper home and showed it to my dad; I just wanted him to buy me candies like that. But my father asked me about the origin where I got this wrapper, and I explained to him that I got it from the Jews, from the soldiers. 

He got up, and in his anger, he warned me:

"Don't you ever take anything from the Jews, be aware next time because those Jewish soldiers could poison everything they give you."

Education in Gaza was focused on martyrdom, not life skills

When Shachar had turned 7 years old, he recalled that all the students of his classroom were prepared welcome a new teacher at school who came in with brilliant idea, she was very excited to present to us what in her words was going to be a very special lesson for that day. Shachar was very happy to be in finally in school, because in his mind that would eventual culminate with him one day fulfilling his dream to be a doctor, he thought to himself, hopefully this new teacher would groom me in preparation to further my education to become a doctor. 

However, his bubble quickly bursted as that teacher started talking and explaining how the Jews were murderers of children, men, women, and the elderly. And she went on puking her anti Jews venom: "The Jews stole your grandfather's land, and you have to fight for get the land back, and whoever dies in that struggle will be a martyr and that person will have the privilege to get into paradise. And the straw that broke the camel's back was that she concluded by saying that Jews even had three legs."

Exactly At that moment, Shachar felt sick. Immediately felt that his happiness had turned into a nightmare, and he told the teacher that I didn't feel well and needed to go to the bathroom. But the response that he got was a slap on the cheek and he was lead to the principal's office on the act. The principal asked him to stand facing the wall and gave him a slap and flog his back with a rubber whip:

"oh man that beating really hurt, I am still marked by it. Then the principal demanded that my father come to school with me. The next day, my father came with me to the school and went into the principal's office. He scolded me and told me that I needed to kill Jews."

Then Shachar was asked: Is it possible that your father was influenced by the ideology of the PFLP, which was active during that period, or did he genuinely believe in what he was taught? Did your father ever change his views?

Shachar explained that his father worked in Israel for 27 years, and despite all that time spent in Israel, he at home, preached and advocated for the murder of Jews. Even in the schoolbooks, it was written that we should behave this way because Jews took the land from the Palestinians. 

"My father took all this indoctrination really serious, so when I got home, I saw that my father had hung a rope from the ceiling and threatened to hang me. He also lit a gas stove there and threatened to burn me. My mother was not allowed to intervene."
And regardless of all of his father's threats and intimidation, Shachar did not align with his father's views and demands. 

Someone sees in this a similarity with the story of Abraham Avinu. In which way? Well, although Shachar never heard any Deity's voice ordering him to leave Gaza; In hindsight, it's like the biblical instruction that God gave to Abraham in the Parashat 'Lech Lecha' – 'Go away from your homeland and from the house of your father in to the land that I will show you.' 

In fact Shachar feels like a messenger of the Jewish people. His mission is to warn Jews of dangers. 

"We are all messengers in this world."



When Shachar had turned 11, he finally got exposed to Israelis Jews for the first time as he boarded a bus travelling  to Israel without his parents' knowledge. And commented about his main curiosity at the time:

"I was so curious to see and I told myself this is my chance to discover those Jews with three legs, I want to see this thing with my own eyes. 

I arrived at 6:30 in the morning and saw a couple walking in Rishon LeZion. They passed by me, and I looked closely, searching for their third leg, "

"I knew it, it was all a fairy tail!. "

"Towards evening, he went back home in Gaza and when he saw his father. It was very strange because he was only supposed to be back on Thursday. Something or someone caused him to return sooner. 

And so he asked me where I had been, and I told him, with the sheep. 


"He told him, 'Don't lie to me!' But he didn't punish him; he just asked the boy to go to sleep. He knew the boy had been to Israel; because the people on the bus, some of those people maybe recognized him, and probably told him that they the boy went to Israel. 

The next day, Shachar's father took him along to accompany him to the construction site where he worked. And he allowed the boy to prepare concrete and to carry it in buckets over a long distance. It was very heavy, but it didn't matter to him."

And as Shachar turned 12 his father took him for good to become one of the workers in the construction sites inside Israel. But at age 13 he ran away from his home in Gaza, and did not return to the Gaza strip untill he reached the age of 19 or so.


Shachar managed to find a job, he got hired as a security guard at a construction project in Rishon LeZion, where he met Nissim, who would later become his adoptive father, Mamash like his angel. Shachar had also another adoptive Jewish family, Gur, and Amira Tzabar, and he is in touch with both families.

About Nissim, he said, "He is realy like an angel For me, he to me like the type of father that I never had. People like him cannot be easily found. That's why I said we are all messengers, and as far as I'm concerned, God sent me an angel. Later, he and his wife taught me to read and write Hebrew; they taught me to love."

Afterward, Nissim had invited him to celebrate the Passover Seder with him and his family, and then Shachar decided to become Jewish. 

"I told him I wanted to be Jewish. 

He said: Hold on there; what did you say?' 

and I repeated the words. But he was so surprised by what came out of my mouth. He told me that whoever is Jewish remains Jewish, whoever is Muslim remains Muslim, and whoever is Christian remains Christian, but I didn't accept that.

“After when Nissim finally understood my intentions and so my determination, he himself set up a meeting with the rabbinate for me. The rabbi agreed to convert me but demanded a special letter from the family because I was a minor. I explained to him that I had no contact with my family, and if I asked them for such a letter, they would kill me. He advised me to wait until I turned 18."

I was disappointed. A year later, at the age of 17, a Palestinian murdered a girl named Helena Rapp in Bat Yam [in 1992], shocking the entire country. The government decided to expel all the Arabs so that there would be no revenge. Every time I saw the police, I would run away. After three or four months, the government decided to bring in workers over the age of 40, which meant that I became an illegal worker."

"At the age of 18, I went to a rabbi at the rabbinate and told him I was 18 and asked him to convert me. He said that because of the security situation, I needed special permission from the state to stay. I returned to live at the construction site. One day, a police patrol stopped me there, and they arrested me. I ran away naked because I was in the middle of taking a shower. When they asked me why I ran away, I told them I was scared.

"I told them I wanted to be Jewish. They took me back to the construction site and told me to stay there. They gave me their phone number and told me that if I saw illegal Arabs, I should report them, and I agreed. They emphasized that if another officer arrived, I should tell them I was from Kafr Qasim because they were allowed [since this municipality isn’t in Judea and Samaria, but rather within the Green Line].”

This Post is still under work ....

But then the plans got messed up, as Shachar tells it. "At the age of 19 and a half, I injured my leg at the construction site, and they took me to the hospital. I had no insurance, and the police investigated where I was from. The hospital demanded a high amount for the treatment, and I asked the contractor who employed me to pay at least part of the amount, and in the end, he agreed. He asked for my address, and after 40 seconds, he called me and said he would come downstairs to pick up the money. I went down, and about four or five policemen wanted to approach me and stopped me. I told them I was from Kafr Qasim. Nevertheless, they took me to a four-hour interrogation, and I asked them to contact my handling officers, and they said they didn't know me at all. They took me to court, and there I said I wanted to convert and that I had been in the country for seven years. The judge sentenced me to 45 days in prison and an additional conditional sentence of ten months for three years. There were Palestinian Arabs in court who were waiting for a trial, and they heard everything I said and knew exactly what they were going to do to me. They took me to the prison in Beersheba, to the wing of Arab prisoners with blood on their hands, real people, and they beat me up. Then the inmates put me in the Jewish cell.

"After 45 days, they deported me to the Erez Crossing. They placed me in a small cell, and I remember that all the time, a man with murder in his eyes came into the cell. Afterward, they took me for questioning in the Gaza Strip and asked what I had done in the seven years in the country, and I told them I had been a guard. They hung me upside down, cut me, kicked me, sprayed hot and cold water on me, and then put me down again and asked what I had done.”

This went on for half a year. “Finally, they took me to a family in Khan Yunis. I wandered around Khan Yunis for a whole month, hungry and in the same clothes. I entered houses and stole food: bread, onions, tomatoes, whatever there was. I worked in Gaza, saved some money, and ran away from there again. I went to Egypt, from Egypt to Turkey, and from there, I arrived in Israel with a Palestinian Authority passport. The police caught me and took me back to the Erez Crossing. Fortunately, the policemen took me down a bit before the crossing, so I escaped, took a taxi, and returned to Rishon LeZion. It was a miracle for me," he said.

Asked about starting all over again in the same place, Shachar answered that this time it was different. “I started working as a security guard in Rishon LeZion, in a shopping center. After two months, there was a break-in at the warehouses where I worked, and I reported the break-in. The police commended me and wanted me to testify. The investigator praised me and said I was a good citizen, but she also said that I was detained and handcuffed. The next day they took me to court. The judge asked me to speak, so I stood up, spoke, and cried. She listened to me; I told her everything, from my childhood until that day. She released me on the bail of my adoptive father."

After seven years, he received approval to study Judaism and convert, and he studied at a Yeshiva. “After ten months, they sent me for an examination, and I couldn't answer everything. The rabbi said I should go to the Machon Meir Yeshiva [to study more before converting], so I packed my bag and went there immediately. I studied with Rabbi Oury Cherki, and after a few months, I underwent the final conversion process and succeeded.”

He received an Israeli ID number and card. “I also received a draft request in the mail and my IDF profile was 97 [the highest level of medical qualification in the IDF pre-enlistment exams], and I was destined for the paratroopers. During that time, I gave an interview to an Israeli newspaper, and they asked me what I would do if I were ordered as a soldier to evacuate settlers. I said I would refuse because I only wanted to protect the country's borders. Following this, they decided not to draft me."

Asked about the Hebrew name he chose to adopt, "Dor [meaning generation in Hebrew] represents peace and goodness, and Shachar means morning.”

Shachar, who has also written a book about his life, "From Khan Yunis to Mount Sinai," and lectures about it, was not surprised by the level of cruelty that Hamas militants reached on October 7. "When I was a child and went to the market with my mother, I saw that they beheaded those who claimed to have collaborated with Israelis. They cut off their heads and hands, and hung them on electricity poles, dragging them on the road while they were attached to cars. I was not surprised at all," he said, adding that there aren't many peace-loving people in Gaza. "Most of them no longer live there but emigrated to other countries.”

Shachar shared that he remembers that his grandfather used to tell him when he was a child that when he grew up, “I would have to kill Jews and reclaim Jaffa because it is our inheritance. It's a matter of generations being raised like this."

Regarding his biological family, Shachar explained that “if something happened to them, it wouldn’t bother me. My family is here in Israel. They taught me to love instead of hate, taught me to enjoy life and not die, and to become a suicide bomber.” Of the Palestinians, Shachar said “They used to throw stones [at Israelis] during my childhood, then came the Oslo Accords because Israel wanted peace with the Palestinians. The weapons they [the Palestinians] received were turned against Israelis. We disengaged from the Gaza Strip and in return have been suffering from missiles ever since."

Asked if he is optimistic about the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations, Shachar immediately answered “No. As a child, I saw a lot of violence, and difficult scenes that are hard to describe. If this is how they treated their people, you can understand exactly how they did and will treat Jews.”

Shachar is one out of 2 billions grains of sand on the Seashore, his light was bright enough to be counted amongst the stars of heaven. Like in the promise of the Eternal God in Genesis 22:17:

"indeed I will greatly bless you, and I will greatly multiply your offspring like the stars of the heavens and like the sand on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.."

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Sim'hat Torah 7 oktòb 2023

Lè yo te tande kout bal nan Sim'hat Torah jou trajedi a, 7 oktòb 2023, yon nonm yo te rele Gaï Madar te reyaji imedyatman. San ezite, li te dirije tèt li nan zòn Kibboutz Re'im, li te ame sèlman ak pistolè li te genyen an. Lè li rive sou sèn nan, byen vit li te vin konprann grandè sitiyasyon an. Lè sa a li te sove yon sòlda Golani ki te blese grav epi li te netralize yon teworis ki t ap atake yo. Gai te reyaji byen vit, netralize teworis la epi answit, lè sa a li sèvi avèk zam sòlda blese a, avek zam sa a li te vin enkapasite senk lòt teworis Hamas ki tap pase sou motosiklèt.

Apre sa, Gaï monte nan yon machin lapolis ak yon ajan. Pandan yo t ap dirije, teworis yo te louvri kout zam sou machin nan. Malgre yo te blese nan pye yo, Gay ak ofisye a te vole soti kite veyikil la epi yo te pran refij nan yon twou sou bò wout la.

Malgre blesi li yo, Gai te kontinye goumen nan refij sa a e li te touye plizyè lòt teworis. Sepandan, piti pa ti kras fòs li te kite l akòz blesi li yo. Pandan ke li te pèdi anpil san, li te rive enpwovize yon tourniquet pou sispann senyen an.

Imobilize pa blesi li yo, antoure pa anviwon ven teworis tonbe, fòs lame Izrayèl la te rive apre 2 èdtan edmi.

Malerezman, yo te fè erè, yo te panse ke Gai se yon teworis, paske li te mete rad sivil epi li te ame ak yon zam.

Nan yon dènye efò pou siviv, li te eseye rele byen fò ke li te yon sòlda jwif li ye, men li te afebli anpil, segonn lwen yo ta pral tire sou li. Men se lè sa a ke yon sòlda te vin remake Tzitsit Gai te gen sou li a epi li reyalize li se te yon jwif. Talit Katan li a te sove lavi l! Apre sa, yo te mennen l nan lopital Beilinson, kote li te resevwa swen apwopriye.

Lè yo tande istwa sa a, yon donatè Ameriken te finanse acha 500 Talit Katan pou distribye bay sòlda jwif yo pou pwoteje moun yo.

Se yon Avrekh ki soti nan vil Bné Brak ki te pran an chaj acha sa a, yon bagay ki pa t fasil akoz difikilte pou jwenn yon kantite Talit Katan konsa ak Tsitsits deja plase.

Maten "madichon" Simkhat Torah  sa a ki te vin rive nan 7 oktòb 2023 a, lè Gai te mete Talit Katan li a, li pa t 'gen lide, ni li te pa reyalize ke Mitzvah patikilye sa a ta pral sove lavi l' e ke li ta tou mennen nan chèn pou ke tout moun yo te ka akompli komandman sa a nan Mitzvot yo. ak ranfòse moral nan mitan pèp jwif la. Sa montre pouvwa yon komandman senp, yon ti Mitzvah ka genyen. 

Annou apresye aksyon ki sanble modès konsa ak ki piti pou Jwif yo ka fè pou nou konprann grandè pèp nou an ak enpak aksyon nou yo ki te dikte pa òdonans Letènèl Bondye nou an.

Friday, October 20, 2023


In fact, in Ezekiel 36 God speaks to the Jews; but also to the Land of Israel. Why does God speak to the mountains, valleys and elements in the Land of Israel? I don't know that. But I do know that God had made a Covenant with the Land of Israel, and we see that here:

"Then I will remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and I will also remember my covenant with Abraham; and I will remember the land (Leviticus 26:42)"

God will remember not only the Jews to return them to their land, but he will also remember his oath to restore the land of Israel so that it will be like a garden of Eden.

The time in which God is going to restore all of Israel physically; it will be both the land and the people. At that time he will also punish all non-Jews who have taken over the inheritance of the Jews. And that oath of punishment is valid for the Edomites, the Romans, the Christians, the Arabs or Muslims, etc. That is to say to all those who conquered the Holy Land throughout history. After that the Eternal God says in his oath that "Hamas" will never again be heard of.

Isaiah 60:18 Hamas will never again be heard of in your land, there will be no more violence, nor desolation nor destruction within your borders; but you will call your walls Salvation, and your doors Praise.

What does Hamas mean? The first time we saw this word was in Genesis, that was the word that God had used as one of the reasons why he was going to destroy the Earth through the Flood. As it is written, the entire Earth has been filled with Hamas..

“Genesis 6:13 Then God said to Noah, “I have decided to put an end to all flesh, because the earth is full of Hamas because of them; and behold, I am going to destroy them all...

According to the wise sages, the word Hamas, which many have translated as violence, really means; not only violence but kidnappings and violence; especially violence against victims such as women, children and the elderly, that includes raping the victims and butchering them.

And who is the text referring to when it accuses Edom, and all the surrounding nations? And Who are the remnants of the nations living in the land of Israel that the text accuses of stealing the Land of Israel?

Edom was Jacob's brother also called Esau, but this Edom mentioned here is rather the Romans and the Western nations, that is, the nations that since the conquest by Rome keep preventing the Jews from returning to their full inheritance. And the remnants of the nations are the so called Palestinians and Muslims who continue to claim that the Land of Israel belongs to them, they are the remnants from the last conquest (The Muslims and Ottoman Empire).


Ezekiel 36

36 You, son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say to them: O Mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD. 2 Thus says the Lord GOD: Because the enemy said of you:

Hey! also the eternal heights have been given to us by inheritance;

3 Prophesy therefore and say to them, Thus says the Lord GOD: Because they have devastated you and have swallowed you up from every side, so that you would become an inheritance for the remnants of the nations, and it has fallen into their mouths. 

4 Therefore, O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God: Thus says the Lord God to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, to the ruins. and isolations and forsaken cities, which were made a spoil and ridicule of the other nations around;

5 Therefore thus says the Lord God:

I have certainly spoken in the fire of my zeal against the remnant of the other nations, and against all Edom, who disputed my land for inheritance with joy, with all their heart, and with bitterness of spirit, so that their expelled Jews might become their prey. . .
6 Therefore prophesy over the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, and to the streams and to the valleys: Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, in my jealousy and in my fury I have spoken, because They have borne the disgrace of the nations. 7 Therefore thus says the Lord God:

I have raised my hand, I have sworn that the nations that are around him will bear his disgrace.

8 But you, O mountains of Israel, will bear its branches and bear its fruit for my people Israel; because they are close to come. 9 For behold, I am for you, and I will return to you, and you will be plowed and sown. 10 And I will multiply among you men, the whole house of Israel, all of it; and the cities will be inhabited, and the ruins will be built. 11 I will multiply men and livestock upon you, and you will be multiplied and increase; and I will make them dwell as they used to do of old, and I will do them greater good than in their beginnings; and they will know that I am the Eternal. 12 And I will make men walk over you, my people Israel; and they will take possession of you, and you will be their inheritance, and I will never kill them again.

you will bear the children.

13 Thus says the Lord GOD: Because they say of you: You have been an eater of men, and a slayer of the children of your nation; 14 Therefore you will no longer devour men, and you will never again kill the children of your nation, says the Lord GOD. 15 And I will no longer make you hear the insults of the nations, nor will you again bear the insults of the people, nor will you cause the children of your nation to die again, says the Lord GOD.

16 The word of the LORD came to me, saying: 17 Son of man, while the house of Israel dwelt in his land, he defiled it with his ways and with his works; His path before me was like the filth of a menstruating woman. 18 And I poured out my anger on them for the blood they shed on the land; because they defiled her with her idols. 19 I scattered them among the nations, and they were scattered throughout the lands; I judged them according to their ways and according to their works. 20 And when they came to the nations where they went, they profaned my holy name, saying to each other:

These are the people of the Eternal, and from his land they have come. 21 But I have been grieved to see my holy name profaned by the house of Israel among the nations where they went.

22 Therefore say to the house of Israel: Thus says the Lord GOD: I am not doing this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations where you have come. 23 And I will sanctify my great name, profaned among the nations, which you have profaned among them; and the nations will know that I am the Lord, says the Lord God, when I am sanctified in you before your eyes. 24 And I will take them from among the nations, and gather them from all lands, and bring them into their own country. 25

I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be cleansed from all your filthiness; and I will cleanse them of all their idols. 26 I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take away the heart of stone from their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh.

27 And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and keep my precepts, and do them. 28 You will live in the land that I gave to your fathers, and you will be my people, and I will be your God. 

29 And I will keep you from all your uncleanness; and I will call the wheat, and multiply it, and I will not make you hungry. 30 I will also multiply the fruit of the trees, and the fruit of the fields, so that you will never again receive the reproach of famine among the nations. 31 And you will remember your evil ways, and your acts that were not good; and you will be ashamed of yourselves for your iniquities and your abominations.

32 I do not do it for you, says the Lord God, know it well; Be ashamed and ashamed of your iniquities, O house of Israel.

33 Thus says the Lord GOD: On the day that I cleanse them from all their iniquities, I will also cause the cities to be inhabited, and the ruins will be rebuilt. 34 And the desolate land will be plowed, instead of having remained desolate in the eyes of all who passed by. 35 And they will say:

This land that had been desolate has become like the garden of Eden; and these cities that were deserted and desolate and ruined are now fortified and inhabited. 36 And the nations that remain around them will know that I rebuilt what was torn down, and planted what was desolate; I the Eternal have spoken, and I will do it.

37 Thus says the Lord GOD: I will still be sought by the house of Israel, to do this to them; I will multiply men as flocks multiply. 38 Like the consecrated sheep, like the sheep of Jerusalem at its solemn festivals,

so the desert cities will be filled with flocks of men; and they will know that I am the Eternal.